Algebra Research


Research on Student Understanding of Fundamental Algebraic Concepts:
This project is focused on unpacking which core concepts are fundamental to understanding algebra. In particular, we are interested in mapping out how students currently think, as well as what types of thinking are most critical to longterm understanding of and success in algebra. Our focus is on conceptual understanding rather than procedural fluency, although we also explore how these two different types of knowledge interrelate. Much of this work is focused on students’ structure sense, and on their understanding of substitution equivalence. Much of this work is generalizable to any mathematical domain that uses formal mathematical symbolism, and is not just restricted to algebra. At present, we are in the process of developing a database of concept inventory questions that test core conceptual knowledge in algebra. This work is currently focused on college students, especially those placed into developmental mathematics classes, but the research is also strongly related to work that has been conducted with K-12 students as well. The eventual aim of this research is to generate a rigorously-tested curriculum which focuses on core mathematical concepts at the center of all mathematical work, and in this way to provide an alternate pathway for students who place into developmental mathematics classes to pursue STEM fields in college.

Research Team

Primary Investigators: 

  • Claire Wladis, Ph.D.
    Dr. Claire Wladis has a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the CUNY Graduate Center. She is a professor of Mathematics at the Borough of Manhattan Community College and of Urban Education at the Graduate Center at the City University of New York. Her research focuses primarily on student retention and successful course completion, with a particular focus on remedial mathematics and online learning.


  • Alyse C. Hachey, Ph.D.
    Dr. Hachey has a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Columbia University. She is a professor of Teacher Education at the Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York and an adjunct associate professor at Teachers College, Columbia University. Her research interests focus on early childhood cognition and curriculum development and community college online learning and retention.


  • Jay Verkuilen, CUNY Graduate Center
    Dr. Verkuilen has a Ph.D. in Quantitative Psychology from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is an Associate Professor of Educational Psychology at the Graduate Center of City University of New York. His research focuses on generalized linear mixed models, item response theory, graphical methods in statistics, and on applications of statistics and psychometrics, particularly in education and mental health. He is currently an associate editor of Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice. He is currently a co-PI on a $1.5 million NSF grant to develop and validate a pool of questions to assess student understanding and misconceptions of fundamental algebra concepts.



Research Associates and Postdoctoral Researchers:

  • Ben Sencindiver, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor, Mathematics at UTSA
  • Catherine Manly, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor, Higher Education-Data Analytics at Fairleigh Dickinson University

  • Elisabeth Jaffe
    Dr. Jaffe has an Ed.D. in Mathematics Education from Columbia University Teachers College. She is an assistant professor of Mathematics at the Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York. She has extensive experience teaching high school mathematics, and her research interests include exploring the effect of growth mindset on student academic success and retention.



Advisory Board:

  • Howard Everson
  • Kathleen Heid

  • Jim Gleason
  • Marilyn Carlson 

Graduate Students:

  • Magdalena Beiting
  • Sydne McCluskey

Project Coordinator:

  • Shristi Karim

Research Assistant:

  • Emma Wilson

Funded Projects

Improving mathematical learning and college outcomes for developmental algebra students
This research project explores different ways to address student learning and progress through developmental algebra. Approaches to this research area include developing game-based and collaborative learning curricula for intermediate algebra, developing instruments to measure conceptual understanding in algebra, developing theories about how students learn and progress through fundamental algebra concepts as they learn algebra in developmental classes in college, and developing a concepts-based developmental algebra curriculum which accelerates students through elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, and precalculus by consolidating common concepts across contexts.

    • Primary Investigators: Claire Wladis; Kathleen Offenholley; Jay Verkuillen
    • Research Associate: Dale Dawes, Elisabeth Jaffe, Jae Ki Lee, Susan Licwinki, Audrey Nasar


Funding that has supported this research ($2,455,184 total):

  • Grant: National Science Foundation (NSF) EHR Core Grant:
    • Award: $1,500,000
    • Time Frame: 2019-2024
    • Title: Developing and Validating an Elementary Algebra Concept Inventory


  • Grant: National Science Foundation (NSF) ATE Grant (with Ching-Song Wei and Francesco Crocco)
    • Award: $875,794
    • Time Frame: 2015-2019
    • Title: A Simulation-Based Curriculum to Accelerate Math Remediation and Improve Degree Completion for STEM Majors


  • Grant: PSC CUNY Research Award, Enhanced
    • Award: $11,363.75
    • Time Frame: 2018-2019
    • Title: Validating an Elementary Algebra Concept Inventory


  • Grant: BMCC/CUNY Faculty Publication Grant
    • Award: $5000
    • Time Frame: 2018-2019
    • Title: Framework for Algebraic Conceptual Understanding in the College Context


  • Grant: BMCC/CUNY Faculty Development Grant
    • Award: $5000
    • Time Frame: 2016
    • Title: Validation of the Elementary Algebra Concept Inventory


  • Grant: CUNY Improving Undergraduate Mathematics Learning Grant
    • Award: $58,026
    • Time Frame: Jan 2010 – June 2011
    • Title: Increasing Student Success and Retention in Mathematics through Student-Centered Instruction and Collaborative Learning


Wladis, C., & Mesa, V. (In Press). What Can Happen When Community College Practitioners Lead Research Projects? The Case of CUNY. Review of Higher Education.

Abstract: Although the majority of college freshmen enroll at community colleges, very few research studies focus on this context. In addition, what research does exist often overlooks important practitioner concerns, such as instruction. In this essay we argue that supporting generalizable education research conducted by community college practitioners can address this gap. We seek to start a conversation about the benefits of such research, to both the education research community and to educational practices at community colleges. We draw on findings from a large community college system where this kind of research has been systematically supported for the last 15 years.

Full text coming soon


Wladis, C., Offenholley, K., Licwinko, S., Dawes, D. & Lee, J. K. (2018). Development of the Elementary Algebra Concept Inventory for the College Context. In T. Fukawa-Connelly, N. Engelke Infante, M. Wawro,S. Brown (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. San Diego, CA.

Abstract: This study describes the creation and validation of the first concept inventory for elementary algebra at the tertiary level. A 22-item multiple choice/multiple answer instrument was created through a combination of literature review, syllabus review, and collaboration with instructors. The instrument was then revised and tested for content, construct and concurrent validity as well as composite reliability, using a circular process that combined feedback from experts (mathematicians, instructors, and mathematics education researchers), cognitive interviews with students, and field tests using both classical test theory and item response theory. Results suggest that the inventory is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing student conceptual understanding in elementary algebra, as conceptualized in this study.

Full text coming soon


Wladis, C., Smith, J., & Duranczyk, I. (2017). Research on Non-university Tertiary Mathematics. In G. Kaiser (Ed.), Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Hamburg, Germany: Springer International Publishing, 693-694.
Abstract: This paper summarizes the research presented and discussed at the ICME Research on Non-university Tertiary Mathematics Research Group.

full-text         full-text of accepted version


Wladis, C., Offenholley, K., Lee, J. K., Dawes, D., & Licwinko, S. (2017). An instructor-generated concept framework for elementary algebra in the tertiary context. In T. Dooley, V. Durand-Guerrier & G. Guedet (Eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, 557-558. Dublin, Ireland: Institute of Education Dublin City University and ERME.
Abstract: This study presents a framework generated by a group of experienced elementary algebra instructors describing what the fundamental concepts of elementary algebra are. An action research spiral was used to generate subsequent revisions of the framework collaboratively, in conjuction with specific conceptual assignments used with students.



Wladis, C., Offenholley, K., Licwinko, S., Dawes, D. and Lee, J. K. (2017). Theoretical Framework of Algebraic Concepts for Elementary Algebra. In T. Fukawa-Connelly, N. Engelke Infante, M. Wawro, S. Brown (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 1510-1516. San Diego, CA.
Abstract: The long-term aim of this study is to develop a conceptual framework outlining the concepts necessary for college students to be able to successfully complete fundamental tasks of elementary algebra. The first stage of this research, which is the focus of this paper, focuses on instructor perceptions of what concepts are fundamental to successful completion of elementary algebra tasks. The framework presented here is the result of an action research project that was a collaboration among five college instructors who teach elementary algebra. Future stages of the research will include an extensive exploration of the literature as it pertains to those concepts identified by the instructors in the first stage of the research (and to enumerate concepts that might have been overlooked by the instructors) as well as cognitive interviews with students using concept-inventory-type questions to pinpoint specific aspects of student thinking included in the framework.



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